Welcome to PromoParlor, the independent community of promotional product distributor owners and salespeople!

PromoParlor is a feature-rich discussion board for promotional product professionals, created by a distributor owner as a tool for distributors.

Ask for help, offer advice, promote change, inspire success; all on a platform designed for distributors, not those selling to distributors. No hidden agendas; just a community of distributors, new and established, helping other distributors. So, make yourself a cup of coffee, sit down on the comfy PromoParlor couch, and let the discussion begin!

In order to access the forum, you must create an account. Click sign up below to create an account and join the community. Please note this forum is for distributors (or distributors who also supply some products & services), not suppliers. If you prefer a forum that allows suppliers, we recommend the Promotional Products Professionals group on Facebook.

Sneak Peak

Steve Geiger
Owner, Top Ten Promos

*This is the Wikipedia/Public Radio model, where the resource is free, but you are encouraged to donate. The cost to create PromoParlor was $4,000 and to operate is $300/month. There is a risk that we fail, but if enough users contribute, we can thrive as the only truly independent community in the industry. That’s worth supporting, no?